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Address Gituamba Plaza, 3rd Floor, Ruiru, Kenya.
Address Gituamba Plaza, 3rd Floor, Ruiru, Kenya.
August 8, 2024 Real Estate

The Impact of Infrastructure Development on Property Value in Kenya


Kenya has experienced significant transformations in its infrastructure over the past two decades, particularly in road networks, power, and water supply. These developments have played a pivotal role in shaping the country’s economic landscape and have had a notable impact on property values.


1) Road Networks
Key Projects and Their Impact

The development of major road networks has profoundly influenced property values across Kenya. Projects such as the Thika Superhighway, the Nairobi Expressway, and the LAPSSET Corridor have dramatically improved connectivity and reduced travel times. These advancements have turned previously remote or inaccessible areas, such as Jujafarm and kamakis into prime real estate locations.

Case Study: Thika Superhighway

The completion of the Thika Superhighway is a prime example of how improved road infrastructure can boost property values. Property along the superhighway; Jujafarm and Kamaki’s alond the eastern bypass, have seen a surge in property prices. Land that once sold for Ksh 200,000 per 1/8 of an acre can now fetch upwards of Ksh 850,000. This increase is driven by the enhanced accessibility, attracting commercial developers, residential projects, and industrial parks.


2)  Power Supply
Enhancements and Benefits

Reliable power supply is crucial for property valuation. Kenya has made significant progress in expanding its electricity grid, with substantial investments in geothermal, wind, and solar energy. These efforts have not only improved the quality of life but also stimulated economic activities in various regions.

Case Study: Olkaria Geothermal Plant

The Olkaria Geothermal Plant has had a transformative impact on Naivasha and Maai Mahiu. The availability of sustainable energy has attracted industries, residential estates, and commercial ventures, leading to increased demand for properties and higher property values. An example is our project located in Mirera, Naivasha.


 3) Water Supply
Infrastructure Developments

Access to clean and reliable water is a fundamental aspect of infrastructure that affects property values. Kenya has invested in improving its water supply infrastructure, including the development of dams, boreholes, and water distribution networks.

Impact on Property Values

Improved water supply infrastructure has made areas more attractive for residential and commercial development. Regions with reliable water access have seen a rise in property values as they offer better living conditions and support for businesses.

Final Thoughts

The development of road networks, power, and water infrastructure in Kenya has had a transformative impact on property values. Improved connectivity, reliable energy, and enhanced water supply have made various regions more attractive for investment, driving up property prices. As Kenya continues to invest in and expand its infrastructure, the real estate market is poised for further growth, benefiting from the ongoing advancements in these critical areas.


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